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发布日期: 2024-01-03 04:18:24

植物及其产品检测项目报价?  解决方案?  检测周期?  样品要求?

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GB/T 23473-2009 林业调运检疫规程

本标准规定了在国内调运林业植物及其产品检疫的程序。 本标准适用于国内林业植物及其产品的调运检疫

Quarantine rules for the transport of forest plants and their products

NY/T 673-2003 转基因检测 抽样

本标准规定了转基因植物及产品检测的抽样方法。 本标准适用于转基因植物及其产品(大豆种子,大豆,大豆粉豆油、玉米种子玉米、玉米油、玉米 粉、油菜種子、油菜籽、油菜籽油、油菜籽粕、棉在种子、番大种子、鲜番茄、番茄北等)检测样品的抽取

Sampling for testing of genetically modified plants and their products

农业部2031号公告-19-2013 转基因成分检测 抽样


Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products.Sampling

NY/T 672-2003 转基因检测 通用要求

General requirements for testing of genetically modified plants and their products

SN/T 3283-2012 进境转基因检验规程

本标准规定了进境植物及其产品的转基因检验方法与要求。 本标准适用于进境植物及其产品的转基因检验

Rules for the inspection of genetically modified plants and their drived products for import

农业部2031-8-2013 转基因成分检测 抽样


Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products.Sampling

LY/T 2421-2015 林业调运检疫数据交换规范


Data exchange specification for domestic transport quarantine of forest plant and its product

NY/T 1101-2006 转基因食用安全性评价导则

本标准规定了基因受体动物、基因供体生物、基因操作的安全性评价和转基因植物及产品的毒理学评价、关键成分分析和营养学评价、外源化学物蓄积性评价、耐药性评价。 本标准适用于转基因植物及其产品的食用安全性评价

Guideline for safety assessment of food from genetically modified plant and derived products

NY/T 674-2003 转基因检测 DNA提取和纯化

DNA extraction and purification for detection of transgenic plants and their products

DB12/T 650-2016 转基因成分筛查Cry1AbCry1Ac试纸条法


Cry1AbCry1Ac test strip method for screening components of transgenic plants and their products

NY/T 675-2003 转基因检测 大豆定性PCR方法

Soybean Qualitative PCR Method for Detecting Transgenic Plants and Their Products

SN/T 1194-2020 转基因成分检测 抽样制样方法

Sampling and sample preparation methods for testing genetically modified components of plants and their products

DB12/T 842-2018 转基因成分筛查cp4-epsps试纸条法

Component screening of transgenic plants and their products by cp4-epsps test strip method

LY/T 1692-2007 转基因森林安全性评价技术规程

Technical regulations for safety evaluation of transgenic forest plants and their products

SN/T 1194-2003 转基因成分检测.抽样和制样方法

Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for detection of genetically modified components in plants and their derived products

GB/T 23473-2009 林业调运检疫规程

本标准规定了在国内调运林业植物及其产品检疫的程序。 本标准适用于国内林业植物及其产品的调运检疫

Quarantine rules for the transport of forest plants and their products

NY/T 673-2003 转基因检测 抽样

本标准规定了转基因植物及产品检测的抽样方法。 本标准适用于转基因植物及其产品(大豆种子,大豆,大豆粉豆油、玉米种子玉米、玉米油、玉米 粉、油菜種子、油菜籽、油菜籽油、油菜籽粕、棉在种子、番大种子、鲜番茄、番茄北等)检测样品的抽取

Sampling for testing of genetically modified plants and their products

农业部2031号公告-19-2013 转基因成分检测 抽样


Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products.Sampling

NY/T 672-2003 转基因检测 通用要求

General requirements for testing of genetically modified plants and their products

SN/T 3283-2012 进境转基因检验规程

本标准规定了进境植物及其产品的转基因检验方法与要求。 本标准适用于进境植物及其产品的转基因检验

Rules for the inspection of genetically modified plants and their drived products for import

农业部2031-8-2013 转基因成分检测 抽样


Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products.Sampling

LY/T 2421-2015 林业调运检疫数据交换规范


Data exchange specification for domestic transport quarantine of forest plant and its product

NY/T 1101-2006 转基因食用安全性评价导则

本标准规定了基因受体动物、基因供体生物、基因操作的安全性评价和转基因植物及产品的毒理学评价、关键成分分析和营养学评价、外源化学物蓄积性评价、耐药性评价。 本标准适用于转基因植物及其产品的食用安全性评价

Guideline for safety assessment of food from genetically modified plant and derived products

NY/T 674-2003 转基因检测 DNA提取和纯化

DNA extraction and purification for detection of transgenic plants and their products

DB12/T 650-2016 转基因成分筛查Cry1AbCry1Ac试纸条法


Cry1AbCry1Ac test strip method for screening components of transgenic plants and their products

NY/T 675-2003 转基因检测 大豆定性PCR方法

Soybean Qualitative PCR Method for Detecting Transgenic Plants and Their Products

SN/T 1194-2020 转基因成分检测 抽样制样方法

Sampling and sample preparation methods for testing genetically modified components of plants and their products

DB12/T 842-2018 转基因成分筛查cp4-epsps试纸条法

Component screening of transgenic plants and their products by cp4-epsps test strip method

LY/T 1692-2007 转基因森林安全性评价技术规程

Technical regulations for safety evaluation of transgenic forest plants and their products

SN/T 1194-2003 转基因成分检测.抽样和制样方法

Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for detection of genetically modified components in plants and their derived products

上一篇:动物及其产品检测 下一篇:职业人员个人剂量检测
